Staining for fungi

Staining with lactophenol blue.

It is a conventional stain used to observe the morphology and the budding of cells.

A drop of lactophenol cotton blue is put on the microscope slide. Then a small amount of the cells of the culture colony is picked up using the inoculation loop and it is resuspended on the drop of dye. Put the slide cover on and observe under the microscope.

Staining with India ink

The procedure is the same as the previous one but the cells are resuspended in India ink.

Microculture with lactophenol blue

Using the microculture remove the microscope slide-culture-slide cover system from the Petri dish. It can be observed directly under the microscope or it can be stained using the lactophenol blue. To set up a stained slide, put a drop of lactophenol blue on a microscope slide and with the help of a pair of tweezers, carefully remove the slide cover from the microculture with the filamentous fungus stuck to the bottom side. Put it on the drop of dye and place it under the microscope. Observe with the objectives 10x, 20x and 40x.

Lactophenol blue staining of Alternaria alternata

Photo: Paula Moreno Sánchez 2021-22

Lactophenol blue staining of Aspergillus

Photo: Tess Bouillard & Ivana García 2021-22


Lactophenol blue staining of Penicillium

Foto: Alumna Laura Blanes 2022-23




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