Toxoplasma gondii

Toxoplasma gondii is a protozoa parasite species that causes toxoplasmosis, a mild illness in general, although it might get complicated and even be fatal, especially in cats and human fetuses. Cats and other felidae are considered to be their definitive hosts because this is where they undergo sexual reproduction.

Parasitic forms:

  • Oocyst, is the sporulated stage, it can survive for long periods of time outside the host because it is extremely resistant to environmental factors.


  • Bradyzoite, is the slowly dividing stage of the parasite. It is present in microscopic clusters surrounded by a cyst wall, in the infected muscle and the brain tissue.


  • Tachyzoite move and they penetrate the cells of the host and produce cysts.


Toxoplasma gondii

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Toxoplasma gondii

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Toxoplasma gondii

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