Heat fixation

Using cultures in a liquid medium the inoculation loop is loaded with a drop of the culture and it is put on a clean microscope slide and the sample is smeared on it to obtain a thin film (smear). If a culture in a solid medium is used, firstly a small drop of water is put on the microscope slide. Then the inoculation loop is loaded with a small amount of the bacteria from a culture colony and it is resupsended in the drop of water, after which it is smeared on.
After that the slide must be dried by bringing it close to the flame of the Bunsen burner making sure that it doesn’t isn’t too hot (check with the back of your hand that it doesn’t burn). Once dry, it is then fixed, by passing the slide 3-4 times through the flame of the Bunsen burner (the flame must touch the lower part of the microscope slide). After that the slide is ready to be dyed and the procedure to be followed depends on the type of staining.
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