Observation of the morphological characteristics of fungi

In the study of the yeast its microscopic characteristics can be observed using conventional staining (lactophenol blue) to see the morphology and the budding of the cells or another more specific study to see the capsule (negative staining with India ink) .

In the staining with lactophenol the size and the shape of the cells can be seen, along with their budding in the case of the yeast.
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In the negative staining with India ink the capsule of some yeast can be seen.

As for the filamentous fungi cultures both their macroscopic and the microscopic morphological characteristics must be observed.
The color and the shape of the colony on both the top and bottom side of the plate will be observed in cultures formed using the stab culture technique.
The best way to observe the microscopic characteristics of a filamentous fungus is by dividing up a microculture after staining it with blue lactophenol and by using different microscope objectives.

Aspergillus macroscópicas Aspergillus microscópicas


Fusarium macroscópicas Fusarium macroscópicas


Penicillium macroscópicas Penicillium macroscópicas

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