
Prepare filamentous fungi microcultures.– A culture in a solid growth medium where a colony of filamentous fungi is well developed is divided up. A flamed U-shaped rod is put in a sterile empty Petri dish and a microscope slide that has also been flamed to sterilize it is put on top. A fragment of 0.5 x 0.5 mm of the solid culture medium (Sabouraud agar) is taken and it is put in the center of the microscope slide surface. Spores and other propagules of the fungal culture are obtained with the help of the inoculation loop and they are put on the borders of the culture medium fragment. A microscope slide (flamed) is put on the medium inoculated with fungi. 1-2 ml of sterile glycerol water is added to the bottom of the dish to maintain the moisture in the chamber. The lid is put back on the Petri dish and it is incubated at room temperature.

Foto: Alumna Laura de Miguel
Penicillium sp


Microculture day “0”
Photo: Marina Galea y Renato Gutarra 2021-22
Microculture day “12”
Photo:  Marina Galea y Renato Gutarra 2021-22

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