Hemolytic capacity


Many microorganisms can grow in blood agar and when they do they respond in a different way according to whether they carry out the red blood cell lysis or not (hemolysis), which is produced by the effect of an enzyme called hemolysin.
Three types of hemolysis can be distinguished:

Alpha hemolysis
This is a partial hemolysis and the area of growth appears surrounded by a green halo.
Beta hemolysis
In this case the hemolysis is complete and the halo that surrounds the colonies is completely transparent.
Gamma hemolysis (not hemolysis)
The microorganism in question cannot carry out the hemolysis and therefore there is no halo around the colony.
Carrying out the practical

The pure culture is inoculated by means of the loop streaking technique on a blood agar plate.
After 24 hours of incubation observe the presence of hemolysis halos around the colonies and identify the type of hemolysis carried out by our microorganism.

Beta hemolysis
Elena Sansano 2019-20
Beta hemolysis
Miriam Santos 2019-20
Beta hemolysis
Irene Valverde & Rocío Valentín 2022-23
Beta hemolysis
Álvaro Mendiola & Rocío Viera 2022-23

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