Streak plate method

Streak plate method

The procedure is the same as that of the inoculation loop streaking technique but the culture sample is inoculated following the diagram of the figure. After the first inoculation put the lid on the plate and flame the loop. Without inoculating it again, turn the plate 45º and by pulling the end of the streak the second phase of streaking is carried out, the procedure is repeated twice more until the last one, which ends with a small streak in the center of the culture medium surface. The lid is put back on the plate and it is turned upside down to incubate at 37ºC.

Streak plate method Quadrant streaking Procedure



After 24 hours incubating more growth is observed in the first inoculations done using the inoculation loop where there are just a few distinct colonies, which decrease in density in the following streaks and end with isolated colonies that are different from each other.


Quadrant streaking Streak Plate Method
Ana Climent & Ana Peñafiel (2022-2023)
Streak Plate Method

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