5. Bacterial identification

Content: Physiological and biochemical bacterial identification tests.


To identify the bacteria special features of its metabolism and physiology must be highlighted seeing as, the simple observation of its shape and size provides a very limited amount of information that can hardly be classified into big groups. Even the differential staining is a very useful tool but it is not enough to get the amount of information needed to give a diagnosis, guide the therapy and provide a prognosis of the infection.

Specific objectives

  • Use culture media and reagents to highlight the special features in the bacterial metabolism.
  • Read the results of the metabolic panel and interpret them correctly.
  • Identify bacteria by carrying out biochemical tests and through direct microscopic observation and with staining.

Carrying out the practical

To carry out this practical a pure culture in a solid medium (nutrient agar) is used, which will be supplied to each lab bench. The different bacteria that have been identified by a number or a letter will be given out. At the end of the practical, each lab bench must have an indication of the identification of the strain supplied.


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