Leismania donovani

Leishmania is a protist genus that causes the disease known as leishmaniasis. The main infection vector are mosquitoes of the genera Phlebotomus (in Eurasia and Africa) and Lutzomyia (in America). Their victims are vertebrates: the leishmaniasis affect marsupials, canidae, rodents and primates. It is estimated that about 12 million humans currently suffer from leishmaniasis.


Parasitic forms


2 to 5 microns in length
Without flagella
Light blue cytoplasm and large nucleus kinetoplast


10 to 15 microns long
Nucleus in the middle part of the body
Kinetoplast anterior to the nucleus
Flagellated (rosetta)


Leishmania donovanii

Objective 100X

Leishmania donovanii

Objective 100X

Leishmania donovanii(amastigote details)

Objective 100X

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