Direct observation


  • Pure culture
  • Microscope slide
  • Slide cover
  • Microscope
  • Oil immersion

Using cultures in a liquid growth medium the procedure is as follows: Put a drop of the culture on the inoculation loop and transfer it onto a clean microscope slide. Put the slide cover on top making sure that no air bubbles get trapped under it. If the amount of the culture that is collected by the inoculation loop is small inoculate 2 or 3 times.

Using cultures in a solid growth medium, firstly put a drop of water on the microscope slide. Then load the inoculation loop with a small amount of the bacteria of a colony of the culture and resuspend it on the drop of water. Put the slide cover on. The preparation is observed under the microscope to determine its morphology (cocci or bacilli) along with the mobility.


Fresh observation of bacterial culture
Irene Escudero y Carla Candela 2021-22
E.Coli with movement
Sergio Pacetti, Luis Mascaró
y Cristina Sanz 2022-23
Bacilus spp without movement
Nuria Sánchez y Julia León 2022-23


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